Dalek Continuity

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bernice Summerfield: The Complete Guide (1998-onwards)

(from bigfinish.com)

Bernice Summerfield – Benny to her friends – has lived through many adventures. She’s a professor of archaeology from the 27th Century.
She’s travelled with the Doctor, set up home at various academic establishments and been across the galaxy from end to another, battling the likes of Daleks and Draconians, Monoids and Martians. She’s also battled pig-headedness, brutality and ignorance.


Lisa Bowerman - Prof. Bernice Summerfield
Stephen Fewell - Jason Kane (1998-2007; 2012)
Miles Richardson - Irving Braxiatel (2000-onwards)
Harry Myers - Adrian Wall (2000-2010)
Louise Falkner - Bev Tarrant (2004-2010)
Thomas Grant - Peter Summerfield (2008-onwards)
Steven Wickham - Joseph (2002; 2005-2010; 2012)
Paul Wolfe - Hass (2006-2010)
Sam Stevens - Doggles (2007-2010)
Marcus Hutton - Leonidas (2011; 2012)
Ayesha Antoine - Ruth (2011-onwards)
David Ames - Jack (2011-onwards)

Young Benny (Missing Adventures):

Genius Loci
The Ship of Painted Shadows
The Vampire Curse: The Badbood Diaries

Series One: (Virgin: 1997-1999; Big Finish: 1998-2000)

Oh, No It Isn't
Beyond the Sun
Ship of Fools
Ghost Devices
Mean Streets
Walking To Babylon
Just War
Buried Treasures
Dragon's Wrath
The Medusa Effect
Dry Pilgrimage
The Sword of Forever
Another Girl, Another Planet
Beige Planet Mars
Where Angels Fear
The Mary Sue Extrusion
Dead Romance*
Tears of the Oracle
Return to the Fractured Planet
The Joy Device
Twilight of the Gods

Series Two (2000-2001):

The Dead Man Diaries
The Doomsday Manuscript
The Secret of Cassandra
The Gods of the Underworld
The Squire's Crystal
The Stone's Lament
The Extinction Event
The Infernal Nexus
The Skymines of Karthos
The Glass Prison

Series Three (2002-2003):

The Greatest Shop in the Galaxy
The Green-Eyed Monsters
The Plague Herds of Excelis
The Dance of the Dead
A Life of Surprises
The Mirror Effect
The Company of Friends: Benny's Story***
The Vampire Curse: Possum Kingdom***

Series Four (2003-2004):

The Bellotron Incident
The Draconian Rage
The Poison Seas
Life During Wartime
Death & The Daleks
,,,Be Forgot (BF Short Trip)***

Series Five (2004-2005):

The Big Hunt
The Grel Escape
The Bone of Contention
A Life Worth Living
The Relics of Jegg-Sau
Silver Lining
The Masqerade of Death
A Life in Pieces
The Tree of Life

Series Six (2005-2006):

The Heart's Desire
The Kingdon of the Blind
Parallel Lives
Something's Changed
The Lost Museum
The Goddess Quandry
The Crystal of Cantus

Series Seven (2006-2007)

The Tartarus Gate
Timeless Passages
The Worst Thing In The World
Collected Works
The Vampire Curse: Predating The Predators*
The Summer of Love
Old Friends
The Oracle of Delphi
The Empire State

Series Eight (2007-2008):

A Tub Full of Cats
The Judas Gift
Freedom of Information
Nobody's Children
The Two Jasons
The End of the World
The Final Amendment
The Wake

Series Nine (2008)

Beyond The Sea
The Adolescence of Time
The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel
The Diet of Worms

Series Ten (2009)

Glory Days
Venus Mantrap
Secret Orgins
Secret Histories

Series Eleven (2010):

Dead & Buried
Resurrecting The Past
Present Danger
Escaping the Future
Year Zero
Dead Man's Switch

Series Twelve: Epoch (2011):

The Kraken's Lament
The Temple of Questions
Private Enemy No. 1
Judgement Day

Series Thirteen: Road Trip (2012):

Brand Management
The Weather On Versimmon
Bad Habits
Paradise Frost

Series Fourteen: Legion (2012):

Vesuvius Falling
The Slender Fingered Cats of Bubastis
Shades of Gray
Everybody Loves Irving

20th Anniversary Special (2012):

Many Happy Returns

Series Fifteen: New Frontiers (2013)

A Handful of Dust
Filthy Lucre
HMS Surprise
The Curse of Fenman

Series Sixteen: Missing Persons (2013)

Big Dig
The Revenant's Carnival
Adorable Illusion
The Brimstone Kid
The Winning Side
In Living Memory

Red = Virgin novels
Green = Big Finish Audios
Light Blue = Tie-in Novels, Short Story Collection, Novellas
Blue = Big Finish Animated Short
*** Involved the Doctor

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Timeline 11 (of 12): The Eleventh Doctor

The 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) 2010-2013

2010 Season:

The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
Apollo 23 (BBC Books)
Night of the Humans (BBC Books)
The Runaway Train (AudioGo)
The Ring of Steel (AudioGo)
The Hounds of Artemis (AudioGo)
The Gemini Contagion (AudioGo)
Supernature (DWM)
Planet Bollywood (DWM)
The Golden Ones
The Professor, The Queen, & The Bookshop (DWM)
The Screams of Death (DWM)
Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night (DWM)
Forever Dreaming (DWM)
Apotheosis (DWM)
The Child of Time (DWM)
The Forgotten Army (BBC Books)
The Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
Vampires of Venice
Nuclear Time (BBC Books)
Amy's Choice
The King's Dragon (BBC Books)
The Glamour Chase (BBC Books)
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
The Jade Pyramid (AudioGo)
Vincent and the Doctor
The Only Good Dalek (BBC Books)
The Lodger
The Coming of the Terraphiles (BBC Books)
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang
Spam Filtered (IDW)
Ripper's Curse (IDW)
They Think It's All Over! (IDW)
When Worlds Colide (IDW)
Space Squid (IDW)
Body Snatched (IDW)
As Time Goes By (IDW)
Hypothetical Gentleman (IDW)
The Doctor and the Nurse (IDW)
The Eye of Ashaya (IDW)
Space Oddity (IDW)

2011 Season

Death of the Doctor (SJA)
A Christmas Carol
Space & Time
The Impossible Astronaut
Day of the Moon
Chains of Olympus (DWM)
Sticks and Stones (DWM)
The Cornucopia Caper (DWM)
The Broken Man (DWM)
Imaginary Enemies (DWM)
The Way Through The Woods (BBC Books)
The Curse of the Black Spot
The Doctor's Wife
Borrowed Time (BBC Books)
Touched by an Angel (BBC Books)
Paradox Lost (BBC Books)
Eye of the Jungle (BBC Books)
The Rebel Flesh
The Almost People
A Good Man Goes To War
Let's Kill Hitler
Blackout (AudioGo)
The Art of Death (AudioGo)
Night Terrors (AudioGo)
Darkstar Academy (AudioGo)
Day of the Cockroach (AudioGo)
The Nu-Humans (AudioGo)
The Girl Who Waited
The Empty House (AudioGo)
The Magic of Angels (BBC Books)
The Silent Stars Go By (BBC Books)
The God Complex
Closing Time
The Wedding of River Song
Silent Knight (IDW)
Dark Horizons (BBC Books)
The Doctor, The Widow, and The Wardrobe

2012-2013 Season:

Asylum of the Daleks
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
A Town Called Mercy
The Power of Three
Sleepers in the Dust (AudioGo)
Snake Bite (AudioGo)
The Angels Take Manhattan
The Dalek Generation (BBC Books)
The Snowmen
The Silurian Gift (BBC Books)
Hunters of the Burning Stone (DWM)
Plague of the Cybermen (BBC Books)
The Bells of Saint John
The Rings of Ahkaten
Cold War
Shroud of Sorrow (BBC Books)
Sky Jacks (IDW)
The Time Machine (Big Finish/AudioGO)
Journey to the Center of the TARDIS
The Crimson Horror
Nightmare in Silver
The Name of the Doctor
The Day of the Doctor
The Time of the Doctor
Tales Of Trenzalore (BBC Books)

Note: Tales of Trenzalore occurs concurrent with Time of the Doctor since the four stries take place during the Doctor's 900 year stay on the planet

Monday, March 25, 2013

Timeline 10 (of 12): The Tenth Doctor

The 10th Doctor (David Tennant) 2005-2010

2005 Christmas Special:

Born Again
The Christmas Invasion

2006 Season

The Betrothal of Sontar (DWM)
New Earth
F.A.Q. (DWM)
Tooth & Claw
The Futurists (DWM)
Interstellar Overdrive (DWM)
The Stone Rose (BBC Books)
The Opera of Doom (DWM)
The Feast of the Drowned (BBC Books)
The Resurrection Casket (BBC Books)
I am a Dalek! (BBC Books)
School Reunion
The Girl in the Fireplace
The Green-Eyed Monster (DWM)
Rise of the Cybermen
Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Nightmare of Black Island (BBC Books)
The Impossible Planet
The Satan Pit
Love & Monsters
The Art of Destruction (BBC Books)
The Price of Paradise (BBC Books)
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
The Warkeeper's Crown (DWM)

2007 Season

Smith and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhatten
Evolution of the Daleks
The Infinite Quest
The Lazerus Experiment
The Whispering Gallery (IDW)
Agent Provocateur (IDW)
Made of Steel (BBC Books)
The Woman Who Sold The World (DWM)
Bus Stop (DWM)
The First (DWM)
Death to the Doctor (DWM)
Universal Monsters (DWM)
Wooden Heart (BBC Books)
Sting of the Zygons (BBC Books)
The Last Dodo (BBC Books)
Human Nature*
The Family of Blood*
Wetworld (BBC Books)
Forever Autumn (BBC Books)
Sick Building (BBC Books)
Wishing Well (BBC Books)
The Pirate Loop (BBC Books)
Peacemaker (BBC Books)
Revenge of the Judoon (BBC Books)
Martha in the Mirror (BBC Books)
Snowglobe 7 (BBC Books)
The Many Hands (BBC Books)
Black Death/White Life (IDW)
The Sound of Drums
The Story of Martha (BBC Books)
Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash

2008 Season

Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime
The Fires of Pompeii
Planet of the Ood
The Sontaran Strategem
The Poion Sky
The Doctor's Daughter
The Unicorn and the Wasp
Death's Deal (Big Finish/AudioGO)
Silence in the Library
Forest of the Dead
Hello Children, Everywhere (Panini)
Grand Theft Plant (Panini)
Immortal Emperor (Panini)
Bing Bong (Panini)
Island of the Sirens (Panini)
Hold Your Horses (Panini)
The Puppet (Panini)
The Widow's Curse (DWM)
Time of my Life (DWM)
The Ghosts of India (BBC Books)
The Doctor Trap (BBC Books)
Shining Darkness (BBC Books)
Pest Control (AudioGo)
The Forever Trap (AudioGo)
Beautiful Chaos (BBC Books)
The Nemonite Invasion (AudioGo)
Autopia (IDW)
Cold Blooded War (IDW)
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth
Journey's End
The Forgotten (IDW)
Music of the Spheres
The Eyeless (BBC Books)
The Rising Night (AudioGo)
The Next Doctor

The 2009 Specials:

The Sontaran Games (BBC Books)
Code of the Krillitanes (BBC Books)
Prisoner of the Daleks (BBC Books)
The Slitheen Excursion (BBC Books)
Judgement of the Judoon (BBC Books)
Planet of the Dead
The Time Machination (IDW)
Room with Deja View (IDW)
Total Eclipse of the Heart (Panini)
The End of the Rainbow (Panini)
Scared Stiff (Panini)
Space Vikings! (Panini)
Bennelong Point (Panini)
The Shape on a Chair (Panini)
Knock Knock (Panini)
The Haldenmor Fugue (Panini)
Autonomy (BBC Books)
The Krillitane Storm (BBC Books)
Day of the Troll (AudioGo)
The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith (SJA)
The Last Voyage (AudioGo)
Dead Air (AudioGo)
The Darksmith Legacy (BBC Books):

  • The Dust of Ages
  • The Graves of Mordane
  • The Colour of Darkness
  • The Deoths of Despair
  • The Vampire of Paris
  • The Game of Death
  • The Planet of Oblivion
  • The Pictures of Emptiness
  • The Art of War
  • The End of Time
Hotel Hysteria (DWM)
Thinktwice (DWM)
The Stockbridge Child (DWM)
Mortal Beloved (DWM)
The Age of Ice (DWM)
The Deep Hereafter (DWM)
Onomatopoeia (DWM)

Ghosts of the Northern Line (DWM)
The Crimson Hand (DWM)
The IDW Ongoing Vol. 1

  • Fugitive
  • Tesseract
  • Final Sacrifice

The Waters of Mars
The End of Time I & II

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Timeline 9 (of 12): The Ninth Doctor

The 9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) 2005

2005 Season:

The Beast of Babylon (Puffin Books)*
The End of the World
The Unquiet Dead
Aliens of London
World War Three
The Clockwise Men (BBC Books)
The Monsters Inside (BBC Books)
Winner Takes All (BBC Books)
The Long Game
Father's Day
The Love Invasion (DWM)
Art Attack (DWM)
The Cruel Sea (DWM)
Mr. Nobody (Panini/BBC Books)
A Groatsworth of Wit (DWM)
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
The Deviant Strain (BBC Books)
Only Human (BBC Books)
Boom Town
The Stealers of Dreams (BBC Books)
Night of the Whisper (Big Finish/AudioGO)
Bad Wolf
Parting of the Ways

Note: The Beast of Babylon occurs during the final scene of Rose where the TARDIS takes off and returns right before Rose ran inside after he mentioned to her that the ship goes anywhere in time.

Timeline 8 (of 12): The Eighth Doctor

The 8th Doctor (Paul McGann) 1996-2004*, 2013

EDA Mk 1:

The Enemy Within (AKA Doctor Who: The Movie)
One Faithful Knight (BF Short Trip)
Spore (Puffin Books)
From Little Acorns (BF Short Trip)
The Dying Days (Virgin)
Model Train Set (BBC Short Trip)
Shada (Big Finish/BBCi)
The Time Lord's Story (BF Short Trip)
The Juror's Story (BF Short Trip)
The Four Doctors (Big Finish)
Thinking Warrior (BF Short Trip)
The Ethereal (BF Short Trip)
Seven Deadly Sins (BF Short Trip)
Reversal of Fortune (BF Short Trip)

EDA Mk 2:

Note: The Doctor traveled alone for a brief period until he met Samson and Gemma Griffin whom joined him on his travels. Early on he dropped them of in Vienna while doing his own thing leading to answering his later self's distress call in 1816 at the Villa Diodoti where he'd meet Mary Shelley.

The Company of Friends: Mary's Story (Big Finish)
The Silver Turk (Big Finish)
The Witch From The Well (Big Finish)
Army of Death (Big Finish)
The Long Midwinter (BF Short Trip)
Dear John (BF Short Trip)

Note 2: After parting ways with Mary, the Doctor finally picked up Samson & Gemma. The trio had more aditional adventures leading to the flashback events of Terror Firma which lead into....

Storm Warning (Big Finish)
The Sword of Orion (Big Finish)
Reprecussions... (BF Short Trip)
Best Seller (BF Short Trip)
Letting Go (BF Short Trip)
The Stones of Venice (Big Finish)
Minuet in Hell (Big Finish)
A Good Life (BF Short Trip)
The Light at the End (Big Finish)
Venus (BF Short Trip)
Be Good For Goodness' Sake (BF Short Trip)
Invaders From Mars (Big Finish)
The Chimes of Midnight (Big Finish)
War in a Time of Peace (BF Short Trip)
You Had Me at Verify User Name & Password (BF Short Trip)
They Fell (BF Short Trip)
Doctor Who & The Adaptation of Death (BF Short Trip)
Faithful Friends: Part 3 (BF Short Trip)
Living Legend (Big Finish)
Seasons of Fear (Big Finish)
Lady of the Snows (BF Short Trip)
Embrace the Darkness (Big Finish)
The Heroine, The Hero, and The Megalomaniac (BF Short Trip)
Solitaire (Big Finish) (Big Finish)
Enemy Aliens (Big Finish/AudioGo)
The Time of the Daleks (Big Finish)
Apocrypha Bipedium (BF Short Trip)
Neverland (Big Finish)
Zagreus (Big Finish)
Scherzo (Big Finish)
The Creed of the Kromon (Big Finish)
The Natural History of Fear (Big Finish)
The Twilight Kingdom (Big Finish)
Faith Stealer (Big Finish)
The Last (Big Finish)
Caerdroia (Big Finish)
The Next Life (Big Finish)
Terror Firma (Big Finish)
Scaredy Cat (Big Finish)
Round Trip: After Midnight (BF Short Trip)
Round Trip: Before Midnight (BF Short Trip)
Other Lives (Big Finish)
Time Works (Big Finish)
Something Inside (Big Finish)
Salva Mea (BF Short Trip)
Memory Lane (Big Finish)
Absolution (Big Finish)
The Girl Who Never Was (Big Finish)
The Sorrows of Vienna (BF Short Trip)
Forgotten (BF Short Trip)
...Be Forgot (BF Short Trip)
Not In My Backyard (BF Short Trip)
Quantum Hearsay (BF Short Trip)
Pheonix (BF Short Trip)

Note: Sometime after the events of The Girl Who Never Was, the Doctor traveled alone once more. Later in this period, he would find himself back in the very town on Earth he hasn't been in a long while: Stockbridge! In regards to the DWM strip Ground Zero, despite Ace's demise, it was in reality a clone of her (his 7th incarnation accquired in a unrecorded adventure) that died whilst the real Ace continued her duties as Time Vigilante and later retired to Paris.

Endgame (DWM)
The Keep (DWM)
A Matter of Life and Death (DWM)
Fire & Brimstone (DWM)
By Hook or By Crook (DWM)
Tooth and Claw (DWM)
The Final Chapter (DWM)
Wormwood (DWM)
Illumination (BF Short Trip)
Happy Deathday (DWM)
The Fallen (DWM)
Unnatural Born Killers (DWM)
The Road to Hell (DWM)
TV Action (DWM)
The Company of Thieves (DWM)
The Glorious Dead (DWM)
The Autonomy Bug (DWM)
Syntax (BF Short Trip)
The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story (Big Finish)
Ophidius (DWM)
Beautiful Freaks (DWM)
The Way of All Flesh (DWM)
Children of the Revolution (DWM)
Uroburus (DWM)
Oblivion (DWM)
Where Nobody Knows Your Name (DWM)
The Nightmare Game (DWM)
The Power of Thouerus (DWM)
The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack (DWM)
The Land of Happy Endings (DWM)
Bad Blood (DWM)
Sins of the Father (DWM)
The Flood (DWM)

Note: The Doctor and Destrii had several more adventured before parting company. Immediately afterwards, the Doctor was ambushed by one last trap from the Master triggering the events of The Eight Doctors. In the wake of Faction Paradox and the Council of Eight (and later the Time War), the events of when he and Samantha Jones was altered severely; thus possible that Sam and the Doctor met when she was on her way to  a Greenpeace rally and took her on one trip before returning her to her destination and traveled alone for three years; for Sam a few days (and later with Stacy Townshend and the Ice Warrior Ssard) before she joined him full time.

EDA Mk 3:

The Eight Doctors (BBC Books)
Bounty (BBC Audio)
The Company of Friends: Benny's Story (Big Finish)
The Glass Princess (BF Short Trip)
Totem (BBC Short Trip)
Running Out of Time (BF Short Trip)
Second Contact (BF Short Trip)
DS Al Fine (BF Short Trip)
Transmission Ends (BF Short Trip)
Rip Tide (Telos)
Eye of the Tiger (Telos)
Dreadnought (Radio Times)
Decendance (Radio Times)
Ascendance (Radio Times)
Preceptions (Radio Times)
Coda (Radio Times)
Vampire Science (BBC Books)
The Bodysnatchers (BBC Books)
Genocide (BBC Books)
Dead Time (BBC Audio)
Alien Bodies (BBC Books)
Kursaal (BBC Books)
Option Lock (BBC Books)
The Queen of Eros (BBC Short Trip)
The People's Temple (BBC Audio)
Longest Day (BBC Books)
Dreamstone Moon (BBC Books)
Seeing I (BBC Books)
Placebo Effect (BBC Books)
Vanderdeken's Children (BBC Books)
Beltempest (BBC Books)
Femme Fatale BBC Short Trip)
The Face Eater (BBC Books)
The Taint (BBC Books)
Demontage (BBC Books)
Revolution Man (BBC Books)
Dominion (BBC Books)
Unnatrual History (BBC Books)
Autumn Mist (BBC Books)
Interference I and II (BBC Books)
The Blue Angel (BBC Books)
The Taking of Planet Five 
Frontier Worlds (BBC Books)
Parallel 59 (BBC Books)
Growing Higher (BF Short Trip)
The Shadows of Avalon (BBC Books)
The Fall of Yquatine (BBC Books)
Coldheart (BBC Books)
The Space Age (BBC Books)
The Banquo Legacy (BBC Books)
The Ancestor Cell (BBC Books)
The Burning (BBC Books)
Evergreen (BF Short Trip)
Casualties of War (BBC Books)
Wolfsbane (BBC Books)
The Turing Test (BBC Books)
Endgame (BBC Books)
Mordieu (BF Short Trip)
Father Time (BBC Books)
Escape Velocity (BBC Books)
EarthWorld (BBC Books)
Fear Itself (BBC Books)
Vanishing Point (BBC Books)
Eater of Wasps (BBC Books)
The Year of Intelligent Tigers (BBC Books)
The Slow Empire (BBC Books)
Dark Progeny (BBC Books)
The City of the Dead (BBC Books)
The Company of Friends: Fitz's Story (Big Finish)
Grimm Reality (BBC Books)
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street (BBC Books)
Mad Dogs and Englishmen (BBC Books)
Hope (BBC Books)
Anachraphobia (BBC Books)
Trading Futures (BBC Books)
The Book of the Still  (BBC Books)
The Crooked World (BBC Books)
Fallen Gods (Telos) 
The Dalek Factor (Telos)
History 101 (BBC Books)
Camera Obscura (BBC Books)
Notre Dame du Temps (BF Short Trip)
Time Zero (BBC Books)
The Infinity Race (BBC Books)
The Domino Effect (BBC Books)
Reckless Engineering (BBC Books)
The Last Resort (BBC Books)
Timeless (BBC Books)
Emotional Chemistry (BBC Books)
Sometime Never... (BBC Books)
Halflife (BBC Books)
The Tomorrow Windows (BBC Books)
The Sleep of Reason (BBC Books)
The Deadstone Memorial (BBC Books)
To the Slaughter (BBC Books)
The Gallifrey Chronicles (BBC Books)
Gazing Void (BF Short Trip)
Lonely (BF Short Trip)

  • After the events of The Gallifrey Chronicles, the Doctor restored Gallifrey and the Time Lords; later resuming his travels with Fitz and Trix. They left him sometime later.
  • War and Legacy of the Daleks have been omitted in the wake of Davros' appearance in both Terror Firma and later the televised episode The Stolen Earth and the Master stealing Chancellor Goth's TARDIS leading to the events of UNIT: Dominion. Plus Susan Campbell (nee Forman) was able to have children with David resulting in their only son, Alex.
  • Once the TARDIS regrew back to normal, it had a new Console Room that was a hybrid of the original white version and the gothic Victorian version. It remained until the Doctor used the TARDIS to contain the explosion of a cold fusion generator created by its original owner during the events of The Gallifrey Chronicles. Sometime after, the Victorian configuration was restored and remained until the events of the Time War.

EDA Mk 4:

Blood of the Daleks (Big Finish)
Horror of Glam Rock (Big Finish)
Immortal Beloved (Big Finish)
Phobos (Big Finish)
No More Lies (Big Finish)
Human Resources (Big Finish)
Remain In Light (BF Short Trip)
Decorative Purpose (BF Short Trip)\
All The Fun At The Fair (BF Short Trip)
Dead London (Big Finish)
Max Warp (Big Finish)
The Great Escapes (BF Short Trip)
Brave New Town (Big Finish)
The Skull of Sobek (Big Finish)
Grand Theft Cosmos (Big Finish)
The Zygon Who Fell To Earth 
Sisters of the Flame (Big Finish)
The Vengeance of Morbius (Big Finish)
Orbis (Big Finish)
Hothouse (Big Finish)
The Beast of Orlok (Big Finish)
Wirrn Dawn (Big Finish)
The Scapegoat (Big Finish)
The Cannibalists (Big Finish)
The Eight Truths (Big Finish)
Worldwide Web (Big Finish)
Death in Blackpool (Big Finish)
An Earthy Child (Big Finish)
Far From Home (BF Short Trip)
Jonah (BF Short Trip)
The Wickerwork Man (BF Short Trip)
Museum Peace (BF Short Trip)
Osskah (BF Short Trip)
For The Man Who Has Everything (BF Short Trip)
Epilogue (BF Short Trip)
Nettles (BF Short Trip)
Situation Vacent (Big Finish)
Nevermore (Big Finish)
The Book of Kells (Big Finish)
Deimos (Big Finish)
The Resurrection of Mars (Big Finish)
Relative Dimensions (Big Finish)
Prisoner of the Sun (Big Finish)
Lucie Miller (Big Finish)
To the Death (Big Finish)

Note: In The Zygon Who Fell to Earth there was a reference to the Doctor's previous encounter with the Zygons in The Bodysnatchers indicating his travels with Lucie occur long after the events of the BBC Books. It was backed up by references to the Doctor's other companions before and after Lucie (except for Tamsin Drew and Molly O'Sullivan) in Mary's Story.

Since the Doctor's 8th incarnation's mind is like a sieve, it can be possible that he doesn't recall his past actions in the EDA novels and also his take on why his 7th incarnation chose to travel alone (when the only noted companion deaths are that of Thomas Hector "Hex" Schofield and Adjudicator Roz Forrester); particularly kicking Nepath back into the water to drown (The Burning), punching Ferran (Father Time), and his erratic behavior in Camera Obscura.

EDA Mk 5:

Dark Eyes (Big Finish):
  • The Great War
  • Fugitives
  • Tangled Web
  • X and the Daleks

Dark Eyes 2 (Big Finish)
  • The Traitor
  • The White Room
  • Time's Horizon
  • Eyes of the Master

Dark Eyes 3 (Big Finish)
  • The Death of Hope
  • The Reviled
  • Masterplan
  • Rise of the Eminence

Dark Eyes 4 (Big Finish)
  • A Life In A Day
  • The Monster of Montmartre
  • Master of the Daleks
  • Eye of Darkness

The Doom Coalition (Big Finish):

  • The Eleven
  • The Red Lady
  • The Galileo Trap
  • The Satanic Mill

The End (BF Short Trip)
The Company of Friends: Mary's Story (Big Finish)
The Night of the Doctor

Note: The placement for The End is late in the Doctor's 8th incarnation. Whilst there's no description of his original outfit nor the length of his hair (and unknown companions). It is possible that he was donning his blue leather pea coat (buttoned), denim jeans, shorter hair, and his updated sonic screwdriver with the satchel left in the TARDIS. However, it's been noted he later wore an outfit that bore similarities to the two outfits: green frock coat, weathered white shirt, one breasted waistcoat, gator boots, a blue neckerchief , and a snake belt. Plus reverted back to his earlier sonic screwdriver after the current one was destroyed in an unrecorded adventure.

- Episode titles for Dark Eyes 2, 3, and 4 are TBA

*Despite the one televised story (The TV Movie) Paul McGann was still the incumbant Doctor up til the premiere of Rose in March 2005

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Timeline 7 (of 12) The Seventh Doctor

The 7th Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) 1987-1996

Season Twenty Four (1987)

Time and the Rani
Unregenerate (Big Finish)
Red (Big Finish)
Paradise Towers
Plastic Millenium (DWM)
24 Crawford Street (BF Short Trip)
The Invertebrates of Doom (BF Short Trip)
Have You Tried Turning It Off And Then Back On Again? (BF Short Trip)
Daisy Chain (BF Short Trip)
Bang Bang-A-Boom! (Big Finish)
Flip-Flop (Big Finish)
A Cold Day in Hell (DWM)
Redemption (DWM)
Claws of the Klathi (DWM)
Culture Shock (DWM)
Keepsake (DWM)
Planet of the Dead (DWM)
Echoes of the Mogor (DWM)
Time & Tide (DWM)
Invaders From Gantac (DWM)
Nemesis of the Daleks (DWM)
Delta & The Bannerman
Uranus (BF Short Trip)
Driftwood (BF Short Trip)
Special Weapons (BF Short Trip)
The Fires of Vulcan (Big Finish)
Echo (BF Short Trip)
A Yuletide Tale (BF Short Trip)

Season Twenty Five (1988-1989)

Rememberance of the Daleks
uPVC (BBC Short Trip)
Ante Bellum (BF Short Trip)
The Ghost's Story (BF Short Trip)
The Devil Like a Bear (BF Short Trip)
The Happiness Patrol
Police & Shreeves (BF Short Trip)
The Riparion Ripper (BF Short Trip)
Critical Mass (BF Short Trip)
The Shadow Trader (BF Short Trip)
Silver Nemesis
Private Investigations (BF Short Trip)
Christmas Everyday (BF Short Trip)
The Time and Tide (BF Short Trip)
One Card for the Curious (BF Short Trip)
Seaside Rendezvous (DWM)
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Shockwave (Big Finish/AudioGO)
A Rose by Any Other Name (BF Short Trip)
The Assassination Games (Big Finish)
The Light At The End (Big Finish)

Season Twenty Six (1989)

But Once A Year (BF Short Trip)
Ghost Light
The Curse of Fenric
Hymn of the City (BF Short Trip)
Last Rites (BF Short Trip)
The Anchorite's Echo (BF Short Trip)
The Ripple Effect (Puffin Books)
Seance (BF Short Trip)
The Algebra of Ice (BBC Books)
The Hollow Men (BBC Books)
Stop That Pigeon (BBC Short Trip)
Ace of Hearts (BBC Short Trip)
Monsters (BBC Short Trip)
Relative Dimentias (BBC Books)

Season Twenty Seven-A (originally intended 1990/Big Finish 2011)

Thin Ice (Big Finish)
Crime of the Century (Big Finish)
Animal (Big Finish)
Earth Aid (Big Finish)

Season Twenty Seven-B

Illegal Alien (BBC Books)
Matrix (BBC Books)
Storm Harvest (BBC Books)
Colony of Lies (BBC Books)
Prime Time (BBC Books)
Heritage (BBC Books)
Loving the Alien (BBC Books)
Atom Bomb Blues (BBC Books)
The Fearmonger (Big Finish)
The Genocide Machine (Big Finish)
Dust Breeding (Big Finish)
Colditz (Big Finish)
The Rapture (Big Finish)
The Harvest (Big Finish)
These Things Take Time (BF Short Trip)
The Heroine, The Hero, and The Megalomaniac (BF Short Trip)
Dreamtime (Big Finish)
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast (BF Short Trip)
Live 34 (Big Finish)
Night Thoughts (Big Finish)
The Veiled Leopard (Big Finish)
Death Sentences (BF Short Trip)
Presence (BF Short Trip)
The Settling (Big Finish)
No Man's Land (Big Finish)
Natalie's Story (BF Short Trip)
Nocturne (Big Finish)
The Dark Husband (Big Finish)
The Report (BF Short Trip)
Forty-Five (Big Finish)
The Magic Mousetrap (Big Finish)
Enemy of the Daleks (Big Finish)
The Angel of Scutari (Big Finish)
Project: Destiny (Big Finish)
A Death in the Family (Big Finish)
Lurkers at Sunlight's Edge (Big Finish)
Robophobia (Big Finish)
The Doomsday Quatrain (Big Finish)
House of Blue Fire (Big Finish)
Project: Nirvana (Big Finish)
Protect and Survive (Big Finish)
Black and White (Big Finish)
Gods and Monsters (Big Finish)
Afterlife (Big Finish)

Season Twenty Seven-C (The New Adventures)

The Four Doctors (Big Finish)
Fellow Travellers (DWM)
Darkness Falls/Distractions/The Mark of Mandragora (DWM)
Party Animals (DWM)
The Chameleon Factor (DWM)
The Good Soldier (DWM)
A Glitch in Time (DWM)
Log 384 (BF Short Trip)
There's Something About Mary (BF Short Trip)
Timewyrm: Genesis (Virgin)
Timewyrm: Exodus (Virgin)
Timewyrm: Apocalypse (Virgin)
Timewyrm: Revelation (Virgin)
Cat's Cradle: Time Crucible (Virgin)
Cat's Cradle: Warhead (Virgin)
Ravens (DWM)
Cat's Cradle: Witch Mark (Virgin)
Sunday Afternoon 848,988 AD (BF Short Trip)
Closing the Account (BF Short Trip)
Nightshade (Virgin)
Memorial (DWM)
Love and War (Virgin/Big Finish)
Pureblood (DWM)
Transit (Virgin)
Playback (Virgin Short Trip)
The Highest Science (Virgin)
Emperor of the Daleks (DWM)
The Pit (Virgin)
Continuity Errors (Virgin Short Trip)
Deciet (Virgin)
Lucifer Rising (Virgin)
White Darkness (Virgin)
Shadowmind (Virgin)
Flashback (DWM)
Iceberg (Virgin)
The Last Word (DWM)
Blood Heat (Virgin)
Final Genesis (DWM)
The Dimension Riders (Virgin)
The Left-Handed Hummingbird (Virgin)
Conumdrum (Virgin)
No Future (Virgin)
Time and Time Again (DWM)
Cuckoo (DWM)
Tragedy Day (Virgin)
Legacy (Virgin)
Theatre of War (Virgin)
All-Consuming Fire (Virgin)
Question Mark Pyjamas (Virgin Short Trip)
The Shadow of the Scourge (Big Finish)
Virgin Lands (BF Short Trip)
Last Christmas (BF Short Trip)
Spookasem (BF Short Trip)
Nobody's Gift (BF Short Trip)
Utopia (BF Short Trip)
Testament (BF Short Trip)
Citadel of Dreams (Telos)
The Dark Flame (Big Finish)
Blood Harvest (Virgin)
Strange England (Virgin)
First Frontier (Virgin)
St. Anthony's Fire (Virgin)
Falls the Shadow (Virgin)
Parasite (Virgin)
Warlock (Virgin)
Set Piece (Virgin)
Infinite Requium (Virgin)
Sancturary (Virgin)
The Trials of Tara (Virgin Short Trip)
Of the Mermaid and Jupiter (BF Short Trip)
How You Get There (BF Short Trip)
Human Nature (Virgin)*
The Criminal Code (Big Finish)
Original Sin (Virgin)
Sky Pirates! (Virgin)
Zamper (Virgin)
Toy Soldiers (Virgin)
The Also People (Virgin)
Shakedown (Virgin)
Warchild (Virgin)
Sleepy (Virgin)
Death & Diplomacy (Virgin)
Happy Endings (Virgin)
GodEngine (Virgin)
The Prisoner's Dillema (Big Finish)
Christmas on a Rational Planet (Virgin)
Cold Fusion (Virgin)
The Nuclear Option (BF Short Trip)
The Death of Art (Virgin)
Damaged Goods (Virgin)
Culture War (BF Short Trip)
Anteus (BF Short Trip)
So Vile A Sin (Virgin)
Bad Therapy (Virgin)
Eternity Weeps (Virgin) +
Too Rich For My Blood
The Room With No Doors (Virgin)
Bullet Time (BBC Books)*+
A Thousand Tiny Wings (Big Finish)*+
Klien's Story/Survival of the Fittest (Big Finish)*+
The Architects of History (Big Finish)*+
The Southwell Park Mermaid (BF Short Trip)
Lungbarrow (Virgin)
Excelis Decays (Big Finish)
Notre Dame du Temps (BF Short Trip)

Season Twenty Seven-E

UNIT: Dominion (Big Finish)
The Shadow Heart (Big Finish)
Last of the Titans (Big Finish)
Persuasion (Big Finish)
Starlight Robbery (Big Finish)
Daleks Among Us (Big Finish)
Project: :Lazarus (Big Finish)
A Death in the Family (Big Finish)*
Master (Big Finish)
The Sirens of Time (Big Finish)
Companion Piece (Telos)
Valhalla (Big Finish)
Frozen Time (Big Finish)
Return of the Daleks (Big Finish)
The Celestial Harmony Engine (BF Short Trip)
Peaceable Kingdom (BF Short Trip)
Clean-up On Aisle Two (BF Short Trip)
The Death Collectors (Big Finish)
Spider's Shadow (Big Finish)
Policy to Invade (BF Short Trip)
Kingdom of Silver (Big Finish)
Keepsake (Big Finish)
The Tramp's Story (BF Short Trip)
Monitor (BF Short Trip)
Inmate 280 (BF Short Trip)
Separation (BF Short Trip)
Perfect Present (BF Short Trip)
The Hunting of the Slook (BF Short Trip)
Omegamorphosis (BF Short Trip)
Twilight's End (BF Short Trip)
The Enemy Within (AKA Doctor Who: The Movie)


  • Despite the Forty-Five cover depicting the TV Movie Console Room, it may be possible that it was a Secondary Console Room much like the previous verson during the Doctor's 4th incarnation while the original white configuration was under going remodeling. 
  • Plus, in Black and White, the Doctor restored the TARDIS console room's original configuration at some point between A Death in the Family and that story in order to differentiate it from that of the black TARDIS, which had the TV movie console. It  would be around the events of Lungbarrow/ Excelis Decays and throughout his 8th incarnation that the Gothic configuration would be the official console room until the events of The Ancestor Cell; it was later restored sometime after the events of The Gallifrey Chronicles and sometime before Blood of the Daleks.
  • Birthright and Just War are omitted due in part to them serving as two out of the six NAs adapted for the Bernice Summerfield audios. 
  • Human Nature has a bit of a paradox in the wake of the televised adaptation featuring the 10th Doctor and then companion Martha Jones (albeit the TV version set in 1913 before the start of World War I). It may be likely that either a Multi Doctor event (akin to The Five Doctors) or the Time War undid the 7th & Benny version of the adventure.
  • If your wondering why UNIT: Dominion is after Excelis Decays and before Lungbarrow its due to the 7th Doctor's characterization. His mood still cheerful at the beginning of the 4-parter with Raine compared to the later adventures when he often offer the people he helped a trip only to end with them declining the offer. Further, Ace (and respectively Chris Cwej) was on Gallifrey when the Doctor left. 
  • The event of Bullet Time and the first Klien trilogy happened in concurrence with The Room With No Doors.
  • Eternity Weeps' story setting regarding Liz Shaw is pragmatic due to the fact that she was mentioned in The Sarah Jane Adventures episode Death of the Doctor indicating she was still alive in 2010 contradicting her fate in 2003 Earth. Thus extremely hard to reconsile.

Timeline 6 (of 12): The Sixth Doctor

The 6th Doctor (Colin Baker) 1984-1986

Season Twenty-One (1984):

The Twin Dilemma

Season Twenty-Two (1985):

Attack of the Cybermen
See No Evil (BF Short Trip)
Trapped (BF Short Trip)
Telling Tales (BF Short Trip)
Vengeance on Varos
Grave Matter (BBC Books)
Moon Grafitti (BBC Audio)
Shell Shock (Telos)
Burning Heat (Virgin)
House (BF Short Trip)
The Mark of the Rani
Players (BBC Books)
The Reproductive Cycle (BF Short Trip)
The Stars Our Contamination (BF Short Trip)
The Two Doctors
Davros (Big Finish)
Blue Box (BBC Books)
Cryptobiosis (Big Finish)
Vigil (Virgin Short Trip)
Timeshare (BBC Audio)
Turnabout is Fair Play (BBC Short Trip)
Revelation of the Daleks

Season Twenty Three-A

The Nightmare Fair (Big Finish)
Gold and Black Ooze (BF Short Trip)
The Ruins of Heaven (BF Short Trip)
A Star is Reborn (BF Short Trip)
The Ultimate Evil (Virgin)
Mission to Magnus (Big Finish)
Leviathan (Big Finish)
The Hollows of Time (Big Finish)
Paradise Five (Big Finish)
The Song of Megaptera (Big Finish)
The Macros (Big Finish)
The Guardians of Prophecy (Big Finish)
Power Play (Big Finish)
The First Sontarans (Big Finish)
Priceless Junk (BF Short Trip)
Murmers of Earth (BF Short Trip)
Whispers of Terror (Big Finish)
The Space Races (Big Finish)
The Light at the End (Big Finish)
Trouble in Paradise (Big Finish/AudioGo)
State of Change (Virgin)
Recorded Time & Other Stories (Big Finish)
Something Borrowed (Puffin Books)
Palace of the Red Sun (BBC Books)
...ish (Big Finish)
CHAOS (BF Short Trip)
The Reaping (Big Finish)
The Shape Shifter (DWM)
Voyager (DWM)
Polly the Glot (DWM)
Once Upon a Time Lord... (DWM)
War-Game (DWM)
Funhouse (DWM)
Kane's Story/Abel's Story/Warrior's Story/Frobisher's Story (DWM)
Exodus/Revelation/Genesis (DWM)
Nature of the Beast (DWM)
Time Bomb (DWM)
Salad Daze (DWM)
Changes (DWM)
Profit of Doom (DWM)
The Gift (DWM)
The World Shapers (DWM)
Slipback (BBC Audio)
The Stabber (BF Short Trip)
Strange Attractor (BF Short Trip)
Year of the Pig (Big Finish)
Synthespians (BBC Books)
Emperor of the Daleks (DWM)
Mardi Gras Massacre (BF Short Trip)

Season Twenty Three-B (1986)

Trial of a Time Lord:
  • The Mysterious Planet
  • Mindwarp
  • Terror of the Vervoids
  • The Ultimate Foe

Season Twenty Three-C

The Wrong Doctors (Big Finish)*
Time of Your Life (Virgin)
Killing Ground (Virgin)
The Wormery (Big Finish)
Excelis Rising (Big Finish)
The Maltese Penguin (Big Finish)
Mission: Impractical (BBC Books)
The Holy Terror (Big Finish)
The Last Emperor (BF Short Trip)
Up Above the Gods (DWM)
The Ratings War (Big Finish)
Chronoclasm (Big Finish)
Jago in Love (Big Finish)
Beautiful Things (Big Finish)
The Lonely Clock (Big Finish)
The Hourglass Killers (Big Finish)
Voyage to Venus (Big Finish)
Voyage to the New World (Big Finish)
Pass It On (BF Short Trip)
The Spindle of Necessity (BF Short Trip)
I.D. (Big Finish)
Urgent Calls (Big Finish)
Her Final Flight (Big Finish)
The Doctor's Coat (BF Short Trip)
Peri & the Piscon Paradox (Big Finish)
Christmas Special (BF Short Trip)
The Terror of the Darkness (BF Short Trip)
To Cut a Blade of Glass (BF Short Trip)
Loose Change (BF Short Trip)
Incongruous Details (BF Short Trip)
Death Sentences (BF Short Trip)
Defining Patterns: Linking Material (BF Short Trip)
The Book of My Life (BF Short Trip)
Gone Too Soon (BF Short Trip)
The Golden Door (Virgin Short Trip)
The Wings of a Butterfly
Wish You Were Here (BBC Audio)
Whiskey & Water (BF Short Trip)
The Death of Me (BF Short Trip)
Teach Yourself Ballroom Dancing
The Inquisitor's Story (BF Short Trip)
Outsourcing (BF Short Trip)
Gone Fishing (BF Short Trip)
Walkin' City Blues (BF Short Trip)
Certificate of Destruction (BF Short Trip)
The Earwig Archipelago (BF Short Trip)
There's Something About Mary (BF Short Trip)
The Marian Conspiracy (Big Finish)
The Spectre of Lanyon Moor (Big Finish)
The Sirens of Time (Big Finish)
The Apocalypse Element (Big Finish)
Bloodtide (Big Finish)
The Eighth Wonder of the World (BF Short Trip)
Jupiter (BF Short Trip)
Project: Twilight (Big Finish)
The Sandman (Big Finish)
Jubilee (Big Finish)
The Pirates (Big Finish)
Old Boys (BF Short Trip)
Real Time (Big Finish)
Project: Lazarus (Big Finish)
Arrangements for War (Big Finish)
Medicinal Purposes (Big Finish)
Mortlake (BF Short Trip)
Christmas on the Moon (BF Short Trip)
The Diplomat's Story (BF Short Trip)
Pier Pressure (Big Finish)
The Nowhere Place (Big Finish)
100 (Big Finish)
Trial By Fire (BF Short Trip)
Assassin in the Limelight (Big Finish)
The Crimes of Thomas Brewster (Big Finish)
The Feast of Axos (Big Finish)
Industrial Evolution (Big Finish)
A Town Called Fortune (Big Finish)
The Crackers (BF Short Trip)
She Won't Be Home (BF Short Trip)
The Shadow in the Glass (BBC Books)
The Ultimate Adventure (Big Finish)
Beyond the Ultimate Adventure (Big Finish)
Water's Edge (BF Short Trip)
The Curse of Davros (Big Finish)
The Fourth Wall (Big Finish)
Wirrn Isle (Big Finish)
Antidote to Oblivion (Big Finish)
The Brood of Eros (Big Finish)
Scavenger (Big Finish)
The Condemned (Big Finish)
The Doomwood Curse (Big Finish)
Brotherhood of the Daleks (Big Finish)
Return of the Krotons (Big Finish)
The Raincloud Man (Big Finish)
Patient Zero (Big Finish)
Paper Cuts (Big Finish)
Blue Forgotten Planet (Big Finish)
City of Spires (Big Finish)
Night's Black Agent (Big Finish)
The Wreck of the Titan (Big Finish)
The Legend of the Cybermen (Big Finish)
The Four Doctors (Big Finish)
Business Unusual (BBC Books)
The Best Joke I Ever Told (BF Short Trip)
Fegovy (Virgin Short Trip)
Dr. Cadabra (BF Short Trip)
Millenial Rites (Virgin)
The Quantum Archangel (BBC Books)
The One Doctor (Big Finish)
The Juggernauts (Big Finish)
Catch-1782 (Big Finish)
The Man Who Wouldn't Give Up (BF Short Trip)
Mortal Thoughts (BF Short Trip)
Home Fires (BF Short Trip)
Sold Out (BF Short Trip)
Old Boys (BF Short Trip)
Thicker Than Water (Big Finish)
The Wishing Beast (Big Finish)
The Vanity Box (Big Finish)
The Eyes Have It (BF Short Trip)
Spaceport Fear (Big Finish)
The Seeds of War (Big Finish)
Curtain Call (BF Short Trip)
Time's Champion (++Hinton/McKean)
Spiral Scratch (BBC Books)


  • The Wrong Doctors saw the Doctor drop Mel off at the wrong place on Earth shortly after the Trial and his later self (wearing his blue outfit) arriving to early to meet her shortly after Evelyn's departure from the TARDIS.
  • Like with the 4th and 5th Doctors, 6th drops his companions off somewhere of their choosing and later pick them up. Peri remained on Earth sometime after the events of The Reaping leading while 6th travels with Frobisher and later rejoins the duo.
  • Frobisher, much like later companion Raine Creevy traveled on and off with the Doctor. More sporatically after the events of TOATL and moreso after the sixth regeneration into his 7th incarnation whilst Mel was dropped off elsewhere.
  • If you're wondering why Instruments of Darkness is omitted, it's more down to how 6th and Evelyn's relationship was handle there (Evelyn especially). Granted the book was published four years before the release of Thicker Than Water and nine years before A Death in the Family.
  • Regarding, the Time's Champion novel, it was intended to be the official final 6th Doctor adventure leading to his regeneration into the 7th  but was rejected by BBC Books in favor of Spiral Scratch. In the wake of Craig Hinton's untimely death, the novel was incomplete until the rest was written by Chris McKean

Friday, March 22, 2013

Timeline 5 (of 12): The Fifth Doctor

The 5th Doctor (Peter Davison) 1981-1984

Season Nineteen (1982)

Psychodrome (Big Finish)
The Comet's Tail (BF Short Trip)
Resonance (BF Short Trip)
Cold Fusion (Virgin)
The Immortals (BF Short Trip)
Four to Doomsday
First Born (BF Short Trip)
The Visitation
Smoke & Mirrors (Big Finish/AudioGo)
Divided Loyalties (BBC Books)
Black Orchid
Iterations of I (Big Finish)
The Darkening Eye (Big Finish)
In the TARDIS: Christmas Day (BF Short Trip)
Heart of Stone (BF Short Trip)
The Wake (BF Short Trip)
Empire of Death (BBC Books)
Long Term (BF Short Trip)
Artificial Intelligence (BF Short Trip)
Lonely Days (Virgin Short Trip)
Land of the Dead (Big Finish)
Past Reckoning (Virgin Short Trip)
Winter for the Adept (Big Finish)
The Mutant Phase (Big Finish)
Primeval (Big Finish)
The Parliament of Rats (BF Short Trip)
The Eternity Contract (BF Short Trip)
Spare Parts (Big Finish)
Confabula (BF Short Trip)
Creatures of Beauty (Big Finish)
Not So Much a Program, More a Way of Life (BF Short Trip)
The Game (Big Finish)
The 57th (BF Short Trip)
Saturn (BF Short Trip)
The Church of Saint Sebastian (BF Short Trip)
Circular Time - Spring, Summer, Autumn (Big Finish)
The Tides of Time (DWM)
Stars Fell on Stockbridge (DWM)
The Stockbridge Horror (DWM)
Lunar Lagoon (DWM)
4-Dimensional Vistas (DWM)
The Moderator (DWM)
Suspension and Disbelief (BF Short Trip)
Renaissance of the Daleks (Big Finish)
Return to the Web Planet (Big Finish)
God Sent Me Well to Keep (BF Short Trip)
Tweaker (BF Short Trip)
The Haunting of Thomas Brewster (Big Finish)
The Three Companions: Brewster's Story (Big Finish)
The Bot That Time Forgot (Big Finish)
Time Reef/A Perfect World (Big Finish)
Castle of Fear (Big Finish)
The Eternal Summer (Big Finish)
Plague of the Daleks (Big Finish)
The Demons of Red Lodge &Other Stories (Big Finish)
1,001 Nights (Big Finish)
Fanfare For The Common Men (Big Finish)
The Light at the End (Big Finish)
The Deep (BF Short Trip)
Tip of the Tongue (Puffin Books)

Season Twenty (1983)

Arc of Infinity
The Elite (Big Finish)
Hexagora (Big Finish)
The Children of Seth (Big Finish)
Time Crash
Omega (Big Finish)
The Burning Prince (Big Finish)
Fear of the Dark (BBC Books)
The Lions of Trafalgar (BF Short Trip)
Lackaday Express (Virgin Short Trip)
Zeta Minor (BBC Books)
The Sands of Time (Virgin)
Soul Mate (BF Short Trip)
No Exit (BF Short Trip)
Goths and Robbers (BF Short Trip)
Men of the Earth (BF Short Trip)
Goth Opera (Virgin)
Mawdryn Undead
Freakshow (Big Finish)
Cobwebs (Big Finish)
The Whispering Forest (Big Finish)
The Cradle of the Snake (Big Finish)
Heroes of Sontar (Big Finish)
Kiss of Death (Big Finish)
Rat Trap (Big Finish)
The Emerald Tiger (Big Finish)
The Jupiter Conjunction (Big Finish)
The Butcher of Brisbane (Big Finish)
Eldrad Must Die! (Big Finish)
The Lady of Mercia (Big Finish)
Prisoners of Fate (Big Finish)
The King's Demons
The Crystal Bucephalus (Virgin)
Fallen From X'ian (BF Short Trip)
Gudok (BF Short Trip)
The Five Doctors
Lilly (BF Short Trip)
The Sirens of Time
Qualia (BF Short Trip)
Lant Land (BF Short Trip) (BF Short Trip)
The Assassin's Story (BF Short Trip)
The Velvet Dark (BF Short Trip)

Season Twenty-One (1984)

Warriors of the Deep
Deep Blue (BBC Books)
The Awakening
The King of Terror (BBC Books)
Life After Queth (BF Short Trip)
Keeping it Real (BF Short Trip)
Excelis Dawns (Big Finish)
Rome (BF Short Trip)
Last Minute Shopping (BF Short Trip)
Resurrection of the Daleks
Lords of the Storm (Virgin)
Zeitgeist (BF Short Trip)
Phantasmagoria (Big Finish)
Loups-Garoux (Big Finish)
Singularity (Big Finish)
Imperial Moon (BBC Books)
White Man's Burden
Observation (BF Short Trip)
Flashpoint (BF Short Trip)
One Wednesday Afternoon (BF Short Trip)
Comforts of Home (BF Short Trip)
The Misadventure of Mark Thorne (BF Short Trip)
Piecemeat (BF Short Trip)
Do You Believe in the Krampus? (BF Short Trip)
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back (BF Short Trip)
Planet of Fire
Five Card Draw (BF Short Trip)
Light at the End of the Tunnel (BF Short Trip)
Black and White (BF Short Trip)
The Church of Football (BF Short Trip)
Leap Second (BF Short Trip)
Hot Ice (BBC Short Trip)
The Ultimate Treasure (BBC Books)
Red Dawn (Big Finish)
Exotron (Big Finish)
Urban Myths (Big Finish)
A Town Called Eternity (BBC Short Trip)
The Canvey Angels (BF Short Trip)
Never Seen Cairo (BF Short Trip)
A Life in a Day (BF Short Trip)
Superior Beings (BBC Books)
The Eye of the Scorpion (Big Finish)
The Church and the Crown (Big Finish)
No Place Like Home (Big Finish)
Neckromantia (Big Finish)
Blood & Hope (Telos)
The Axis of Insanity (Big Finish)
Graham Dilley Saves the World (BF Short Trip)
The Roof of the World (Big Finish)
Three's a Crowd (Big Finish)
The Gangster's Story (BF Short Trip)
The Council of Nicaea (Big Finish)
The Kingmaker (Big Finish)
The Veiled Leopard (Big Finish)
The Gathering (Big Finish)
The Four Doctors (Big Finish)
There's Something About Mary (BF Short Trip)
Cuddlesome (Big Finish)
Sock Pig (BF Short Trip)
Son of the Dragon (Big Finish)
Far Away in a Manger (BF Short Trip)
The Mind's Eye (Big Finish)
The Bride of Peladon (Big Finish)
Methuselah (BF Short Trip)
Mission of the Viyrans (Big Finish)
Warmonger (BBC Books)
Key 2 Time:
  • The Judgement of Isskar
  • The Destroyer of Delights
  • The Chaos Pool
Facination (Virgin Short Trip)
Peri and the Piscon Paradox (Big Finish)
The Caves of Androzani

Timeline 4 (of 12): The Fourth Doctor

The 4th Doctor (Tom Baker) 1974-1981

Season Twelve (1974-1975)

The Atk in Space
The Sontaran Experiment
Genesis of the Daleks
A Device of Death (Virgin)
Revenge of the Cybermen
Wolfsbane (BBC Books)
Nanomorphosis (BF Short Trip)
To Kill a Nandi Bear (BF Short Trip)
The Last Broadcast (BF Short Trip)
The Dragons of Prague (BF Short Trip)

Season Thirteen (1975-1976)

Terror of the Zygons
Planet of Evil
The Republican's Story (BF Short Trip)
Rights (BBC Short Trip)
Managra (Virgin)
All Done With Mirrors (BF Short Trip)
Pyramids of Mars
Scarab of Death (Virgin Short Trip)
Ships That Pass (BF Short Trip)
The Duke of Dominoes (Virgin Short Trip)
Categorial Imperative (BF Short Trip)
Observer Effect (BF Short Trip)
The Android Invasion
The Brain of Morbius
Evolution (Virgin)
The Seeds of Doom
The Pescatons (BBC Audio)
System Shock (Virgin)

Season Fourteen (1976-1977)

The Masque of Mandragora
Exploration Earth (BBC Audio)
Eternity (BF Short Trip)
The Android Maker of Calderon IV (BF Short Trip)
Old Flames (BBC Short Trip)
The Hand of Evil
The Deadly Assassin
Ghost Ship (Telos)
Ode to Joy (BF Short Trip)
Millenium Shock (BBC Books)
UNITed We Fall (Virgin (Short Trip)
Aslyum (BBC Books)
The Northern Heights (BF Short Trip)
The Baron Wastes (BF Short Trip)
Earth (BF Short Trip)
Callahuanca (BF Short Trip)
Direct Action (BF Short Trip)
My Hero (BF Short Trip)
In Case of Emergencies (BF Short Trip)
The Nobility of Faith (BF Short Trip)
Mutiny (BF Short Trip)
Only Connect (BF Short Trip)
The Face of Evil
The Robots of Death
Last Man Running (BBC Books)
Corpse Marker (BBC Books)
Psi-ence Fiction (BBC Books)
Match of the Day (BBC Books)
One Bad Apple (BBC Short Trip)
The Bushranger's Story (BF Short Trip)
It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow (BF Short Trip)
The Sooner the Better (BF Short Trip)
The Prodigal Son (BF Short Trip)
Talons of Weng Chiang
Destination: Nerva (Big Finish)
The Renaissance Man (Big Finish)
The Wrath of the Iceni (Big Finish)
Energy of the Daleks (Big Finish)
Trail of the White Worm (Big Finish)
The Oseiden Adventure (Big Finish)
Night of the Stormcrow (Big Finish)
Foe From The Future (Big Finish)
The Valley of Death (Big Finish)
Death Dealer (BF Short Trip)
The Child (Big Finish)
Eye of Heaven (BBC Books)
The Roots of Evil (Puffin Books)
The Very Last Picture Show (BF Short Trip)
Stanley (BF Short Trip)
The Catalyst (Big Finish)
Drift (BBC Books)
Empathy Games (Big Finish)
The Light at the End (Big Finish)

Season Fifteen (1977-1978)

Horror of Fang Rock
The King of of\Sontar (Big Finish)
White Ghosts (Big Finish)
The Crooked Man (Big Finish)
The Evil One (Big Finish)
The Last of the Colophon (Big Finish)
Destroy the Infinite (Big Finish)
The Abandoned (Big Finish)
Zygon Hunt (Big Finish)
Dear Grand Uncle Peter (BF Short Trip)
The Invisible Enemy
Crimson Dawn (Virgin Short Trip)
Image of the Fendal
The Brain of Socrates (BF Short Trip)
The Destroyers (BF Short Trip)
The Dogs of War (BF Short Trip)
The Sun Makers
The Time Vampire (Big Finish)
People of the Trees (Virgin Short Trip)
The Invasion of Time
The Nest Cottage Saga (AudioGo):

  • Hornet's Nest
  • Demon Quest
  • Serpent's Crest
Attachments (BF Short Trip)
Plight of the Monkrah (BF Short Trip)
Puppeteer (BF Short Trip)
Timevault (Virgin Short Trip)
The Fear (BF Short Trip)
Machine Time (BF Short Trip)

Season Sixteen (1978-1979)

The Key to Time:

  • The Ribos Operation
  • The Pirate Planet
  • The Stones of Blood
  • The Shadow of Weng-Chiang (Virgin)
  • Heart of TARDIS (BBC Books)
  • Ferril's Folly (Big Finish)
  • The Androids of Tara
  • The Glarn Strategy (BF Short Trip)
  • The Power of Kroll
  • Luna Romana* (Big Finish)
  • The Armageddon Factor

The Auntie Matter (Big Finish)
The Sands of Life (Big Finish)
War Against the Laan (Big Finish)
The Justice of Jaxlar (Big Finish)
Phantoms of the Deep (Big Finish)
The Dalek Contract (Big Finish)
The Final Phase (Big Finish)
The Stealers From Saiph (Big Finish)
Good Queen, Bad Queen, I Scream, You Queen (BF Short Trip)
Suitors Inc. (BF Short Trip)
Life From Lifelessness (BF Short Trip)

Season Seventeen (1979-1980)

Destiny of the Daleks
The Lying Old Witch In The Wardrobe (BF Short Trip)
All Snug In Their Beds (BF Short Trip)
City of Death
The End of Now (BF Short Trip)
The Creature from the Pit
The Beautiful People (Big Finish)
The Romance of Crime (Virgin)
The English Way of Death (Virgin)
Return of the Spiders (BBC Short Trip)
Special Occasions 1 & 2
The Little Things (BF Short Trip)
Special Occasions 3 &4 (BBC Short Trip)
The Clanging Chimes of Doom (BF Short Trip)
Present Tense (BF Short Trip)
Nightmare of Eden
The Horns of Nimon
Shada*+ (BBC Books)
The Five Doctors
Glass (BBC Short Trip)
Festival of Death (BBC Books)
Babblesphere (Big Finish/AudioGo)
The Pyralis Effect (Big Finish)
The Well-Mannered War (Virgin)
Luna Romana (Big Finish)*
Doing Time (BF Short Trip)
The Iron Legion (DWM)
City of the Damned (DWM)
The Star Beast (DWM)
The Dogs of Doom (DWM)
The Time Witch (DWM)
Dragon's Claw (DWM)
The Collector (DWM)
Dreamers of Death (DWM)
The Life Bringer (DWM)
War of the Words
The Spider-God (DWM)
The Deal (DWM)
End of the Line (DWM)
The Freefall Warriors (DWM)
Junkyard Demons (DWM)
Neutron Knights (DWM)
Breadcrumbs (BF Short Trip)
Into the Silent Land (BF Short Trip)

Season Eighteen (1980-1981)

The Leisure Hive
Checkpoint (BF Short Trip)
I Was A Monster!!! (BF Short Trip)
The E-Space Trilogy:

  • Full Circle
  • State of Decay
  • O' Darkness (BF Short Trip)
  • The Invasion of E-Space (Big Finish)
  • Warriors' Gate
The Keeper of Traken
Mauritz (BF Short Trip)
Planet of the Elves (BF Short Trip)

*Romana I's segment in Part One, Romana II's in Part Two, Trey (Romana)'s segment in Part Three, then all three Romanas in Part Four