Dalek Continuity

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Timeline 6 (of 12): The Sixth Doctor

The 6th Doctor (Colin Baker) 1984-1986

Season Twenty-One (1984):

The Twin Dilemma

Season Twenty-Two (1985):

Attack of the Cybermen
See No Evil (BF Short Trip)
Trapped (BF Short Trip)
Telling Tales (BF Short Trip)
Vengeance on Varos
Grave Matter (BBC Books)
Moon Grafitti (BBC Audio)
Shell Shock (Telos)
Burning Heat (Virgin)
House (BF Short Trip)
The Mark of the Rani
Players (BBC Books)
The Reproductive Cycle (BF Short Trip)
The Stars Our Contamination (BF Short Trip)
The Two Doctors
Davros (Big Finish)
Blue Box (BBC Books)
Cryptobiosis (Big Finish)
Vigil (Virgin Short Trip)
Timeshare (BBC Audio)
Turnabout is Fair Play (BBC Short Trip)
Revelation of the Daleks

Season Twenty Three-A

The Nightmare Fair (Big Finish)
Gold and Black Ooze (BF Short Trip)
The Ruins of Heaven (BF Short Trip)
A Star is Reborn (BF Short Trip)
The Ultimate Evil (Virgin)
Mission to Magnus (Big Finish)
Leviathan (Big Finish)
The Hollows of Time (Big Finish)
Paradise Five (Big Finish)
The Song of Megaptera (Big Finish)
The Macros (Big Finish)
The Guardians of Prophecy (Big Finish)
Power Play (Big Finish)
The First Sontarans (Big Finish)
Priceless Junk (BF Short Trip)
Murmers of Earth (BF Short Trip)
Whispers of Terror (Big Finish)
The Space Races (Big Finish)
The Light at the End (Big Finish)
Trouble in Paradise (Big Finish/AudioGo)
State of Change (Virgin)
Recorded Time & Other Stories (Big Finish)
Something Borrowed (Puffin Books)
Palace of the Red Sun (BBC Books)
...ish (Big Finish)
CHAOS (BF Short Trip)
The Reaping (Big Finish)
The Shape Shifter (DWM)
Voyager (DWM)
Polly the Glot (DWM)
Once Upon a Time Lord... (DWM)
War-Game (DWM)
Funhouse (DWM)
Kane's Story/Abel's Story/Warrior's Story/Frobisher's Story (DWM)
Exodus/Revelation/Genesis (DWM)
Nature of the Beast (DWM)
Time Bomb (DWM)
Salad Daze (DWM)
Changes (DWM)
Profit of Doom (DWM)
The Gift (DWM)
The World Shapers (DWM)
Slipback (BBC Audio)
The Stabber (BF Short Trip)
Strange Attractor (BF Short Trip)
Year of the Pig (Big Finish)
Synthespians (BBC Books)
Emperor of the Daleks (DWM)
Mardi Gras Massacre (BF Short Trip)

Season Twenty Three-B (1986)

Trial of a Time Lord:
  • The Mysterious Planet
  • Mindwarp
  • Terror of the Vervoids
  • The Ultimate Foe

Season Twenty Three-C

The Wrong Doctors (Big Finish)*
Time of Your Life (Virgin)
Killing Ground (Virgin)
The Wormery (Big Finish)
Excelis Rising (Big Finish)
The Maltese Penguin (Big Finish)
Mission: Impractical (BBC Books)
The Holy Terror (Big Finish)
The Last Emperor (BF Short Trip)
Up Above the Gods (DWM)
The Ratings War (Big Finish)
Chronoclasm (Big Finish)
Jago in Love (Big Finish)
Beautiful Things (Big Finish)
The Lonely Clock (Big Finish)
The Hourglass Killers (Big Finish)
Voyage to Venus (Big Finish)
Voyage to the New World (Big Finish)
Pass It On (BF Short Trip)
The Spindle of Necessity (BF Short Trip)
I.D. (Big Finish)
Urgent Calls (Big Finish)
Her Final Flight (Big Finish)
The Doctor's Coat (BF Short Trip)
Peri & the Piscon Paradox (Big Finish)
Christmas Special (BF Short Trip)
The Terror of the Darkness (BF Short Trip)
To Cut a Blade of Glass (BF Short Trip)
Loose Change (BF Short Trip)
Incongruous Details (BF Short Trip)
Death Sentences (BF Short Trip)
Defining Patterns: Linking Material (BF Short Trip)
The Book of My Life (BF Short Trip)
Gone Too Soon (BF Short Trip)
The Golden Door (Virgin Short Trip)
The Wings of a Butterfly
Wish You Were Here (BBC Audio)
Whiskey & Water (BF Short Trip)
The Death of Me (BF Short Trip)
Teach Yourself Ballroom Dancing
The Inquisitor's Story (BF Short Trip)
Outsourcing (BF Short Trip)
Gone Fishing (BF Short Trip)
Walkin' City Blues (BF Short Trip)
Certificate of Destruction (BF Short Trip)
The Earwig Archipelago (BF Short Trip)
There's Something About Mary (BF Short Trip)
The Marian Conspiracy (Big Finish)
The Spectre of Lanyon Moor (Big Finish)
The Sirens of Time (Big Finish)
The Apocalypse Element (Big Finish)
Bloodtide (Big Finish)
The Eighth Wonder of the World (BF Short Trip)
Jupiter (BF Short Trip)
Project: Twilight (Big Finish)
The Sandman (Big Finish)
Jubilee (Big Finish)
The Pirates (Big Finish)
Old Boys (BF Short Trip)
Real Time (Big Finish)
Project: Lazarus (Big Finish)
Arrangements for War (Big Finish)
Medicinal Purposes (Big Finish)
Mortlake (BF Short Trip)
Christmas on the Moon (BF Short Trip)
The Diplomat's Story (BF Short Trip)
Pier Pressure (Big Finish)
The Nowhere Place (Big Finish)
100 (Big Finish)
Trial By Fire (BF Short Trip)
Assassin in the Limelight (Big Finish)
The Crimes of Thomas Brewster (Big Finish)
The Feast of Axos (Big Finish)
Industrial Evolution (Big Finish)
A Town Called Fortune (Big Finish)
The Crackers (BF Short Trip)
She Won't Be Home (BF Short Trip)
The Shadow in the Glass (BBC Books)
The Ultimate Adventure (Big Finish)
Beyond the Ultimate Adventure (Big Finish)
Water's Edge (BF Short Trip)
The Curse of Davros (Big Finish)
The Fourth Wall (Big Finish)
Wirrn Isle (Big Finish)
Antidote to Oblivion (Big Finish)
The Brood of Eros (Big Finish)
Scavenger (Big Finish)
The Condemned (Big Finish)
The Doomwood Curse (Big Finish)
Brotherhood of the Daleks (Big Finish)
Return of the Krotons (Big Finish)
The Raincloud Man (Big Finish)
Patient Zero (Big Finish)
Paper Cuts (Big Finish)
Blue Forgotten Planet (Big Finish)
City of Spires (Big Finish)
Night's Black Agent (Big Finish)
The Wreck of the Titan (Big Finish)
The Legend of the Cybermen (Big Finish)
The Four Doctors (Big Finish)
Business Unusual (BBC Books)
The Best Joke I Ever Told (BF Short Trip)
Fegovy (Virgin Short Trip)
Dr. Cadabra (BF Short Trip)
Millenial Rites (Virgin)
The Quantum Archangel (BBC Books)
The One Doctor (Big Finish)
The Juggernauts (Big Finish)
Catch-1782 (Big Finish)
The Man Who Wouldn't Give Up (BF Short Trip)
Mortal Thoughts (BF Short Trip)
Home Fires (BF Short Trip)
Sold Out (BF Short Trip)
Old Boys (BF Short Trip)
Thicker Than Water (Big Finish)
The Wishing Beast (Big Finish)
The Vanity Box (Big Finish)
The Eyes Have It (BF Short Trip)
Spaceport Fear (Big Finish)
The Seeds of War (Big Finish)
Curtain Call (BF Short Trip)
Time's Champion (++Hinton/McKean)
Spiral Scratch (BBC Books)


  • The Wrong Doctors saw the Doctor drop Mel off at the wrong place on Earth shortly after the Trial and his later self (wearing his blue outfit) arriving to early to meet her shortly after Evelyn's departure from the TARDIS.
  • Like with the 4th and 5th Doctors, 6th drops his companions off somewhere of their choosing and later pick them up. Peri remained on Earth sometime after the events of The Reaping leading while 6th travels with Frobisher and later rejoins the duo.
  • Frobisher, much like later companion Raine Creevy traveled on and off with the Doctor. More sporatically after the events of TOATL and moreso after the sixth regeneration into his 7th incarnation whilst Mel was dropped off elsewhere.
  • If you're wondering why Instruments of Darkness is omitted, it's more down to how 6th and Evelyn's relationship was handle there (Evelyn especially). Granted the book was published four years before the release of Thicker Than Water and nine years before A Death in the Family.
  • Regarding, the Time's Champion novel, it was intended to be the official final 6th Doctor adventure leading to his regeneration into the 7th  but was rejected by BBC Books in favor of Spiral Scratch. In the wake of Craig Hinton's untimely death, the novel was incomplete until the rest was written by Chris McKean

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