Dalek Continuity

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Me and My Shadow: The Trial of the Valeyard Review (Spoiler Free)

"Doctor....we meet again."

It was a matter of time before The Vayelard would be revisited in some form of fashion via Big Finish. Having last appeared in the infamous 2003 Unbound audio He Jests at Scars... one wondered when we've heard the last of him....until now. This December saw the Subscibers Only release follow up to the 1986 14 part Trial of a Time Lord; the highly antisipated Trial of the Valeyard.

Told you, I'd be back, fandom but you didn't listen!

The story was originally intended for 2012's Subscribers Only release only to be pushed back for the 4th Doctor release Night of the Stormcrow (now released to non-subscribers), the 66 minute epic showcases a rematch between the 6th Doctor (Colin Baker) and his enigmatic opponent (Michael Jayston). What better way to kick off the adventure is to set it back to the very space station where the saga began. For the rainbow claded maverick, it's one old wound that didn't need reopening; of course the Inquisitor (Lynda Bellingham) begged to differ. This time around it's not the Doctor on trial but the Valeyard for a crime heineous that the High Council

Colin Baker still shows why Sixy is the reigning Big Finish Doctor right down to the intro scene in the TARDIS to his one-on-ones with Michael Jayston. Speaking of Jayston, he slipped back into the role of the Valeyard with great finesse and ease; just as menacing and wicked as ever. Lynda Bellingham makes her Big Finish return as Inquistor Darkel, rounding off the trio and sending us back to autumn 1986. The music and sound design from Andy Hardwick proves more efficient here than in this year's Persuasion (review at a later date). I tip my hat to Mike Maddox and Alan Barnes for coming up with this suspensul gem; yo can spt many nods to the past and future in a few key scenes and certain topic that's been raging on in the wake of a certain TV Special from last month (which shall remain nameless) Special shout out to the top notch direction of Barnaby Edwards

Fret not, non-subscribers, you'll get to be the proud owners of Trial of the Valeyard next December, Another Subscriber Release winner that will keep you glued to you CD player, computer, iPod and more. Let's see if next year's release can top this, eh?


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